SW Legacy Comic Packs - 02. Anakin Skywalker & Durge
SW 30th Comic Packs - 14. Lieutenant Jundland & Deena Shan
SW 30th - n°33 Anakin Skywalker
SW Saga - Obi-Wan Kenobi with Force-Flipping Attack
Indiana Jones (3,75") - German Soldier
SW Saga - 02-08 Tusken Raider (Female with Tusken Child)
GI Joe F.L.A.K. Cannon vs Cobra C.L.A.W.
Star Wars Unleashed - Asajj Ventress
SW Saga - Ponda Baba (with Cantina Bar Section)
SW POTF2 - 8D8 (freeze frame)
Marvel Legends Brood Queen Series - Danger
SW Saga - Clone Trooper with Speeder Bike
SW Ep1 - Darth Maul (Tatooine)
SW POTJ - Leia Organa (General)
SW ROTS "Sneak Preview" - General Grievous
SW Galactic Heroes - Luke Skywalker & R2-D2
Star Wars The Force Awakens - Poe Dameron
Avengers Assemble Titan Hero Series - Thor
Marvel Legends Guardians of the Galaxy - Marvel's Nova
SW Ep1 - Padme Naberrie with bonus Battle Droid
SW Ep1 - Tatooine Accessory Set
Star Wars Force Battlers - Obi-Wan Kenobi
SW Attacktix Battle Masters - Luke Skywalker & Wampa
SW POTF2 - Electronic F/X Luke Skywalker