fiche dispo
Dragonball Budokai Scultures - Goku (metallic version)
Citroën ID 19 – Z comme Zorglub (2 674 007)
Planet of the Apes - Major Leo Davidson
Rogues Gallery Electro bust
Mutant X - Goblin Queen
MTG Champions of Kamigawa - Eight & a Half Tails
Marvel Legends Annihilus Series - Emma Frost
SW POTF2 - Dengar (green card, holo)
SW POTF2 - Lobot (freeze frame)
SW Ep1 - Sith Accessory Set (Episodio)
SW Ep1 - C-3PO (E/IT/F/D version)
JSA Series 1 - Golden Age Atom (2-pack)
Heroes Series 1 - Peter Petrelli (flying)
Blake et Mortimer : MORGAN PLUS 4 BLEU (ARJ09B)
Ghost in the Shell: Man Machine Interface - white outfit
Front Mission 3 - n°04
Everquest Series 1 - Grenix Mucktail
SW Saga - C-3PO With Droid Factory Assembly Line!
Dragon Quest VIII Play Arts - No.4 Yangus
Crisis on Infinite Earths series 1 - Psycho-Pirate
SW Saga - 02-24 Jar Jar Binks (Gungan Senator)