Star Trek Deep Space 9 Series 2 - Chief Myles O'Brien
Star Trek Deep Space 9 Series 2 - Dr. Julian Bashir
Battlestar Galactica Series 2 - Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace
Star Trek TNG - Ensign Ro Laren
DS9 Trials & Tribble-ations - Chief Petty Officer Miles O'Brien
Chaos Dark Alliance Series 1 - Jade
Beatles Yellow Submarine - George with Blue Meanie
Bearbrick Dawn and Death 100% 2 Pack Diamond 2007 Rare Limited Set Be@rbrick
Minimates -Sin City Series 2: Hard Goodbye Figure Box Set
Minimates - Indie Comics, 4 Pack Witchblade Magdalena Dawn Kabuki, Art Asylum 2004
Dawn - Dawn black outfit
Spiderman 3 Sandman bust
Walking Dead Minimates series 1 - Guts Zombie & Burned Zombie
Marvel Select - Doctor Strange
Star Trek II Wrath of Khan 25th Anniversary - Double-cross Kirk
Batmobile TAS Bank
Marvel Select - Spider-Woman (black costume)
Marvel Select - Spider-Woman (bald variant)
Vandala the Valkyrie bust
Lady Demon Dark Millennium statue
Purgatori Vampire Goddess Dark Millennium statue
Star Trek II Wrath of Khan 25th Anniversary - Admiral Kirk
Star Trek II Wrath of Khan 25th Anniversary - Khan Noonien Singh
Star Trek II Wrath of Khan 25th Anniversary - Regula I Kirk