SW 30th - n°38 Han Solo with Torture Rack
SW 30th - n°55 Clone Trooper
SW 30th - n°57 Jango Fett
SW 30th - n°58 Voolvif Monn
Marvel Legends Mojo Series - Luke Cage
Marvel Legends Mojo Series - Longshot
SW 30th Comic Packs - 10. Luke Skywalker & Mara Jade
Batman Animated Series - Anti-Fire Suit Batman
UW2 TT 1 : Le Temps du désert (Univesal War TWO) (la suite de UW1)
3age Muto Bear designer toy : Keiji Muto
SW Saga Battle Pack - Skirmish at Carkoon
Legendary Comic Book Heroes - Judge Death (variant)
Legendary Comic Book Heroes - Ann O'Brien (variant)
Batman Animated Series - Batgirl
SW 30th - n°48 Darth Vader (Hologram)
Simpsons - Glow Homer bobble-head bobblehead
SW 30th - n°52 Naboo Soldier
SW 30th - n°14 Biggs Darklighter
SW POTJ - Sabé (Queen's Decoy)
SW POTJ - Anakin Skywalker (Mechanic)
SW Legacy (2008) - BD27 Breha Organa
SW Saga - 03-45 Obi-Wan Kenobi (General of the Republic)
SW ROTS - #65 Tactical Ops Trooper (501st) - précommande
SW Separation of the Twins: Leia Organa with Bail Organa - précommande